Chinese Painting Search
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Chinese Art Paintings for Sale
"Greetings! I received my painting a few
weeks ago and just want to let you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived in perfect condition. The painting itself is gorgeous and I had it
professionally framed and hung above my fireplace. It is a wonderful addition to my home. Thank you for the
excellent customer service and fast delivery. Felicia Phillips A Very Happy Customer" (more testimonials..)
was beautifully wrapped and arrived in perfect condition. The painting itself is gorgeous and I had it
professionally framed and hung above my fireplace. It is a wonderful addition to my home. Thank you for the
excellent customer service and fast delivery. Felicia Phillips A Very Happy Customer" (more testimonials..)

Chinese Landscape Paintings
The subject of our China landscape paintings include mountains, rivers, buildings, & boats painting, pine tree& waterfalls painting, palace painting, fishermen, cow & cowboy painting,
sun & cloud painting, trees, rocks &
grass painting...

Chinese Bird Flower Paintings
Our China birds & flowers paintingsare painted with traditional strokes accompanied with insect or leaf, peony and light-vented bulbul panting, lotus & crane painting, butterfly, peacock
Chinese painting, etc...

Chinese Figure Paintings
Includes beautiful women, minoritygirls, boys and other famous figures
in Ancient China. The beauties,
whatever the court ladies in garden
or famous ancient China beauties,
are created gracefully, delicately
and vivid.

Chinese Fish Paintings
Our Chinese fish painting includekoi fish painting, carp painting, Tai
Chi fish painting, nine fish painting,
and goldfish painting...

Chinese Animal Paintings
Include Dragon, tiger & phoenix Chinesepainting, Kylin painting, panda,
monkey painting, rooster, cat &
eagle/ hawk, lion China painting,
mouse, pig, dog, sheep painting...

Chinese calligraphy
Inkdance Chinese painting galleryprovide over 190 Chinese calligraphy
artworks, from the most common one
word calligraphy to famous poems calligraphies...
What People Say About
Us? "Mary, I just want you to know how much help you were with this project.
This is the first time that
I have ordered
custom painting and you made the experience wonderful. These will not be the last paintings that I order from you." Sue(United States) (more...)
custom painting and you made the experience wonderful. These will not be the last paintings that I order from you." Sue(United States) (more...)
--------------- Chinese Landscape Painting ---------------

Chinese Mountain and
Water Paintings
Mountain and water landscape scenery Chinese paintings
range from ink-splashed, colour splashed painting,
blue & green landscape painting, and
black & white landscape painting...

Chinese Mountains Paintings
Beautiful drawings of chinesemountains in China, as unique Asian
oriental mountain paintings...

Chinese Waterfall Paintings
In Chinese culture, water symbolizeswealth. Therefore, Chinese waterfall
painting is a well-received theme for
Chinese painting...

Chinese Village Countryside Paintings
Chinese minority village painting, ethnic village painting, descriping countryside life painting, and rural scenery painting have strong characteristic....
Chinese Water Township Paintings
It can be divided into main two types:Jiangnan water township painting
and Lingnan water township painting..

Chinese Trees Paintings
Includes Chinese banyan tree, pinetree and cypress tress painting,
Chinese parasol tree, white birch,
willow and coconut palm tree painting.

Chinese Yellow River Paintings
China Yellow River painting isbeautiful as Yellow river is
breathtaking and attractive..

Chinese Four Screens of Landscapes Paintings
Include Chinese four seasons scrolls...
Chinese Snow Paintings
Chinese Snow / Snowscape Paintingoccupies an important place in the
Chinese landscape painting the
whole time.....

Chinese Great Wall Paintings
Chinese great wall painting hasspecial meaning in China...

Chinese Sea Paintings
Nowadays, China painter createseascape with Chinese ink and
colors to express the different theme...

Chinese Buildings Pavilions Palaces Towers Terraces Paintings
There is another type of Chinesepaintings called painting of buildings,
pavilions, palaces, terraces, and towers...
What People Say About
Us? "Annie, When I opened the picture from Li Zhi zhong I was shocked! It was so
I had to catch my breath! He is so talented it is hard to believe! Please thank him for me so much. I will be very
nervous until I can get the picture into a very good frame and get it protected by glass.
I think will probably be the finest painting I ever own. Thanks again, Tommy" (more testimonials..)
I had to catch my breath! He is so talented it is hard to believe! Please thank him for me so much. I will be very
nervous until I can get the picture into a very good frame and get it protected by glass.
I think will probably be the finest painting I ever own. Thanks again, Tommy" (more testimonials..)
------------ Chinese Flower and Bird Painting ------------

Chinese Peony Paintings
Peony symbolize wealth and success.Many Chinese people hang peony
paintings at house to bring good
bless of wealth, including red peony,
pink peony, white peony, blue peony...

Chinese Cherry Blossom Paintings
Cherry blossoms are pure andnoble. Cherry blossom painting
symbolize love and hope for its

Chinese Plum Blossom Paintings
Red plum blossom, white plum blossom, blue plum blossom or pink plum blossom in the moon night or in the snow... you all can find them in our gallery...
Chinese Lily Paintings
Lily painting is not only the symbolof faithful love, but also regarded
as a "Child-Bestowing Immortal"....

Chinese Crane Paintings
Crane is a very auspicious animalin traditional Chinese culture. Cranes
painting is one of the most Feng Shui
paintings. The auspicious numbers
include one crane, two cranes, 9
cranes and one hundred cranes...

Chinese Bamboo Paintings
Bamboos with birds or in snows arebeautiful, often drawed with simple but
elegant strokes. Depending on different bamboo artists' inner spirits, they could
be painted as green bamboo, black and
white bamboo, or red bamboos..

Chinese Lotus Paintings
Lotus is the common subject in China Chinese painting. The artists lovepainting lotus whose botanical
characters are easier to be beautifully expressed in Chinese paintings. Green leaves, white, pink or colorful lotus
flowers are all well matched...

Chinese Orchid Paintings
associated with women, love, andbeauty; secondly with virtue, moral
excellence, and the refinement of
the superior man..

Four Screens of Chinese
Flowers and Birds Painting
Chinese screens painting of flower &bird include Chinese Four Gentlemen
painting, Chinese Three Friends of
Winter Painting, the flowers in spring
and other series painting...

Chinese Other Flowers Paintings
Include Chinese Cacti Painting,Chinese Corn Poppy Fengshui
Painting, Azalea Painting, Cercis/
Bauhinia Painting, Tulipa Painting, Herbaceous Peony Painting, etc..

Chinese Phoenix Paintings
Its fengshui painting include OneHundred (100) Birds Paying Homage
to Phoenix Chinese Painting, Red
Phoenix Facing the Mornig Sun
painting, etc....

Chinese Mandarin Duck Paintings
Paintings of a pair of lovely mandarinducks sporting in water are presented
to a newly married couple by way of
wishing them perfect conjugal bliss..

Chinese Cotton Rose Paintings
symbolizes precocity, chastity,beauty, unsullied characters etc....

Chinese Peacock Peahen Paintings
It's a symbol of auspiciouness,nobility, beauty and power. Peacock
also symbolizes civilization & culture...

Chinese Pheasant Paintings
Pheasant is called "jin ji( 锦鸡)" inChinese, which wounds like "gold and
auspiciousness(金吉)", so it has very
auspicious meanings. ..

Chinese Magnolia Paintings
Chinese Peony or Crab AppleBlossoms & Magnolia Fengshui
Painting symbolize "wealth and rank
in the Jade Hall" ..

Chinese Peach Blossom Paintings
Chinese Peach Blossom Paintingsymbolize good luck and happiness..

Chinese Egret Paintings
In Chinese, "egret(鹭)" and "road(路)"are homonymic words(both sound "lu")...

Chinese Rose Paintings
The rose is the embodiment oflove, peace, friendship, courage
and devotion...

Chinese Lychee Paintings
Include Chinese Chicken & LycheeFeng Shui Painting, Three(3) Lychees,
Three Longan and Three Walnuts
Fengshui Painting, etc..

Chinese Other Birds Paintings
Include Chinese Magpie Painting,Paradise-Flycatcher Painting,
Chinese Bulbul / Light-vented Bulbul
Painting, Swallow Painting, Quail
Painting, Duck Painting, Parrot Painting..

Chinese Grape Paintings
Many businessmen like grapepaintings for its meaning of
booming business. ..

Chinese Pigeon Paintings
a symbol of peace and friendship.They also symbolize faith, constancy
and longevity...

Chinese Pomegranate Paintings
Pomegranate is regarded as theauspicious fruit in China. It is an
emblem of posterity, prosperity,
solidarity, and luck....

Chinese Chrysanthemum Paintings
Chrysanthemum is one of the famousflowers in traditional Chinese culture,
and the most common themes in the
Chinese poems and paintings. ...

Chinese Peach Painting
In China, the most important symbolicmeaning of peach is the wish for

Chinese Qing Gong Painting 清供画
Qinggong (清供), refer to those articleswhich are put on a long table in order
to add spice to the study life.....

Chinese Vegetables
Include Chinese Calabash/cucurbit/bottle gourd painting, Chinese Luffa/
loofah painting and Chinese Pumpkin
painting, etc..

Chinese Other Fruits Painting
Include Chinese persimmon painting,Chinese mandarin orange painting
and Chinese loquat painting, etc...

Chinese Swan Paintings
the white swan represents pureness,nobleness, and loyalty...

Chinese Insects Painting
Chinese insects paintings includebutterfly, bee, grasshopper, cicada,
beetle, toad and frog paintings etc.....
What People Say About Us? "Hi
I have received the painting in great condition! Thank you so much for all the
detailed correspondences with me! Appreciate the help of all your packing staff as well. Love the careful packaging! Last but not least, thanks to
Long Hui for his lovely art work! He brings us closer to our Chinese roots and let us understand more abt the Chinese culture! Keep in touch!
We will definitely come back to buy more!" Mindy(Singapore) (more testimonials..)
detailed correspondences with me! Appreciate the help of all your packing staff as well. Love the careful packaging! Last but not least, thanks to
Long Hui for his lovely art work! He brings us closer to our Chinese roots and let us understand more abt the Chinese culture! Keep in touch!
We will definitely come back to buy more!" Mindy(Singapore) (more testimonials..)
-------------------- Chinese Fish Painting --------------------

Chinese Koi Fish Paintings
Chinese koi fish painting is very popluarin carp paintings because of its great
auspicious meaning, especially in
business blessing....

Chinese Goldfish Paintings
Chinese goldfish painting has verygood Feng Shui meanings, including
2 goldfishes, 4 goldfishes, 6
goldfishes fengshui pictures....

Chinese Anglefish Paintings
Anglefish painting & scrolls can bea good gift to couples. ....

Chinese Shrimp Paintings
Black and white Chinese shrimpbrush painting is really beautiful for
its special elegance...there are other
colored Shrimps paintings. .

Chinese Other Fishes Paintings
Provide Chinese Catfish Painting,Chinese Mandarinfish Painting,
Chinese Golden/Silver Dragon
Fish Painting, & Chinese Crab
Feng Shui Painting...
What People Say About
Us? "Hi Annie,
After a very difficult day at work, I cam home and saw your package waiting for me.
The paintings are so beautiful, they brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much. I am so happy with this artwork.
The scroll mounting is perfect as well.
These paintings I will always cherish." Diane(United States) (more testimonials..)
The paintings are so beautiful, they brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much. I am so happy with this artwork.
The scroll mounting is perfect as well.
These paintings I will always cherish." Diane(United States) (more testimonials..)
----------------- Chinese Animal Painting -----------------

Chinese Dragon Art Paintings
Not like evil dragon in Western countries,in China, dragon is a virtuous and
powerful mythic spirit. Dragon painting
often give good lucks for boys to be
successful men..

Chinese Horse Paintings
Eight horses Chinese painting is oneof the most popular Fengshui
auspicious paintings. You can find
different kind of horses painting here
from white horses to black horses...

Chinese Tiger Paintings
Tiger painting is also a kind ofauspicious painting, especially
5 tiger paintings...

Chinese Eagle Paintings
Eagle soaring in the sky art paintingis the common favorite topic. ....

Chinese Chicken/ Rooster/ Cock Paintings
Chinese rooster painting has specialauspicious feng shui meaning from
ancient China...

Chinese Cattle Paintings
Chinese Cattle/Ox/Bull/Cow painting& Scroll is traditional painting topic
from ancient China. China people
love to paint ox/bull/cow...

Chinese Leopard Paintings
Chinese leopard painting is drawedby some painters at very special
mordern & traditional brush skills ...

Chinese Deer Paintings
Deer is graceful and symbolizehigh official position and salary. In
China, ancient people also regard
it as a long life symbol...

Chinese Sheep Paintings
The most popular Fengshui Sheep/Goat Chinese paintings are 3 sheep
/goat paintings & 9 sheep / goat

Chinese Other Animals Paintings
Include Chinese duck painting, Chinesesquirrel painting, Chinese fox painting,
Chinese wolf painting, Chinese
elephant painting ....

Chinese Rabbit Paintings
Rabbit is one of the twelve Chinesezodiac animals with good

Chinese Panda Paintings
Chinese panda & bamboo paintingsinclude faminly pandas painting,
3(three) panda paintings, 2(two)
panda painting, 1(one) panda
painting ...

Chinese Lion Paintings
Provide 2 lion paintings, 5 lionpaintings, Two(2) Lions Playing with
a Ball Feng Shui Painting...

Chinese Monkey Paintings
Chinese monkey zodiac paintinginclude mother monkey and baby
monkey, monkey bring peach painting,
monkey king painting, etc. It bring
good luck when hanging in Chinese
monkey year ....

Chinese Dog Paintings
Lovely Dog is one of the most favoritepets of human. Their loyal feature
make them the best friends of people...

Chinese Kylin Paintings
Chinese Kylin Fengshui Painting/Scroll can bring you big profits and
rapid growing in your business if you
put it in your office...

Chinese Snake Paintings
Chinese snake painting is a specialpainting theme....

Chinese Cat Paintings
White cat, red cat, black cat, purplecat, yellow cat, golden cat paintings
cntain different meanings. They are all
called Lucky Cat ...

Chinese Mouse/Rat Paintings
5 mouse/rats moving the treasurefengshui Chinese painting give the
blessing of getting wealth...

Chinese Pig Paintings
Pig symbolize wealth andhappiness in China people. ...

Chinese Zodiac Animal Paintings
The twelve Chinese zodiac Animals inorder are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon,
snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster,
dog and pig.....
What People Say About
Us? "My brother received his painting in fine order, and has already hung it
his fireplace. I was hoping to
have a picture to send to you so you could see it, but he has not gotten to take one yet of the whole room. But, he does love it, and he says it really
makes the whole room look wonderful. Thank you again for your good help." Jennifer(United States) (more testimonials..)
have a picture to send to you so you could see it, but he has not gotten to take one yet of the whole room. But, he does love it, and he says it really
makes the whole room look wonderful. Thank you again for your good help." Jennifer(United States) (more testimonials..)
------------------ Chinese Figure Painting ------------------

Chinese the Eight Immortals
The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea painting implies the wish to
exorcize evil spirits and avoid disaster
with the aid of magic ...

Chinese Zhong Kui Painting
Folks often hang painting of ZhongKui(Chung K'uei) in their houses for
home- guarding and blessing....

Chinese Three Gods of Fu
Lu Shou Painting
It was believed that the three gods of Fu, Lu, Shou were three auspicious
stars in the sky....

Chinese Flying Apsaras Painting
Painters express flying Apsaras bymeans of clouds, blowing dress,
and flying silk ribbon ...

Chinese Other Mythological
Characters Painting
Include God of Wealth painting, dragon king painting, ChangEr
painting, etc ...

Chinese Kuan Yin Painting
For the practical application of FengShui, the painting of Guanyin is suit
to place in the position of honour....

Chinese Ru Lai /
Buddha of Sakyamuni(Ru Lai), founderof Buddhism, also known as
Siddhartha Gautama which means. ....

Chinese Da Mo /
Bodhidharma Painting
Bodhidharma (Damo to the Chinese) is traditionally regarded as the
leading patriarch and transmitter ...

Chinese Zen Buddhism Painting
Zen, have no clear definition so far. It isa school of Mahāyāna Buddhism. The
word Zen is fromthe Chinese word
Chán (禪), ...

Chinese Taoism Painting
Taosim sages include famous Laozi,Zhuangzi, etc....

Chinese Other Buddha Painting
Includes Arhat(罗汉, Lohan) painting and other buddhas...
Chinese Contemporary Figures Painting
Chinese figure painting started its transition from traditional ways to modern ways. It had techniques of western modern art as part of a whole...
Chinese Beautiful Ladies Painting
The history of painting of beautifulladies in China can be traced back to
the Jin Dynasty (265-420). ...

Chinese Emperor &
Empress Painting
Includes China Qianlong(乾隆) empror painting, empress Wu Zhetian painting, the first empror Qin Shihuang
painting, etc...

Chinese Ancient Famous Four Beauties Painting
Xi Shi(西施), Wang Zhaojun(王昭君), Diao Chan(貂蝉) and Yang Guifei(杨贵妃) Chinese painting.
Chinese Fishman Farmer Painting
Chinese traditional art is rooted in farming culture. As a part of Chinese traditional art, Chinese paintings also pays close attention to countryside and farming...
Chinese Nude Girl Painting
Nude painting of women, compared to other subjects in technique, so to speak, is the most difficult one...
Chinese Dream of the Red
Chamber Beauties &
Figures Painting
Those paintings illustrate some scenesdepicted in the book of Dream of the Red
Chamber in splendid color. ....

Chinese Ethnic Minority Painting
China is a united multi-ethnic nationof 56 ethnic groups...

Chinese Sages Painting
Chinese sages painting includeChinese Confucius painting, Chinese
Lao Tzu painting, etc ...

Chinese Genre Painting
Genre painting is one of important subjects of figure painting that usually takes folks’ daily life as its content. As a distinctive form of Chinese paintings, genre painting is extraordinarily close..
Chinese History & Folklore
Include Zhugeliang painting, Guanyu painting, etc ....

Chinese Boyes Painting
Chinese boy painting has its own specific meaning in Chinese tradition. It represents offspring, that is the continuity of life..What People Say About
Us? "yeiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
tel mr an that i love it!!!!!!!!! :) i love it thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!!!! ." Pepe(Mexico) (more testimonials..)
tel mr an that i love it!!!!!!!!! :) i love it thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!!!! ." Pepe(Mexico) (more testimonials..)
----------------------------- Others -----------------------------

Chinese Oil Paintings
Our Chinese oil painting includeLandscape Oil Painting, Floral Oil
Painting, Portrait Oil Painting, Animal
Oil Painting, Abstract Oil Painting in
distinctive Chinese features...

Chinese Painting Knowledge
How to hang Chinese painting? Guideabout Chinese scroll painting, Chinese
calligraphy painting knowledge, etc.....

Wholesale China Paintings
We provide all kinds of Chinesepaintings to retailers, and
wholesalers, wholesaling Chinese
paintings from China from small
sizes to large paintings...

Customize Chinese Paintings
We also customize Chinese painting for your specific needs. Please feel free to contact our service person in anytime and you will get a reply in 0.5-23.5 hrs...
Any questions?
Please feel free to let us know!
Our customer service to
give you advice is totally free. Our service person
are very pleased to answer you.
The more details you tell us,
the better and sooner we can serve you.
Replied in 0.5 - 23.5 hrs