Cai Chang An Chinese Calligraphy Painting Artists
Cai Chang An's Biography & Awards:
Cai Chang An, 蔡长安,男,1945年出生,四川成都人,研习行草书50余年,中国书画家协会理事。作品被收录于由一代书法宗师启功老先生主持的《中国当代名家书画大观》,有极高的收藏价值,市场升值潜力巨大,是书法收藏爱好者的理想投资,也是馈赠亲朋的高贵礼物。
Cai Chang An, male, born in Chengdu, Sichuan province in 1945. He has studied cursive for more than 50 years. He is a director of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association currently.
His works are included in “A Grand View of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy '' hosted by master of calligraphy Mr. Qi Gong. It has a very high collection value and huge market appreciation potential. It is also an ideal investment for calligraphy collection lovers and a noble gift for relatives and friends.
Cai Chang An's Pictures:
Cai Chang An's Chinese Paintings in Stock: Click your favorite small photo to see prices, sizes, etc of that artwork
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