Chen Xiao Ming Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists
Chen Xiao Ming's Biography & Awards:
Chen Xiao Ming, 陈晓明, 男,1980年出生。师从当地实力派青年画家夏春先生学习花鸟画,为人谦虚、作画勤奋。作品布局巧妙,笔墨线条老道,韵味十足,画风适静,画中小鸟活泼生动,极富情趣。
Chen Xiao Ming, male, born in 1980. He studied under Mr. Xia Chun who is professional flower and bird painter. He is humble and diligent in painting.
The layout of the work is ingenious, the lines of ink and brush are exquisite and skillful, with full charm, the style of painting is quiet, and the birds in the painting are vivid and lively, and very interesting.
Chen Xiao Ming's Pictures:
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