Yan Zhao Long Chinese Calligraphy Painting Artists
Yan Zhao Long's Biography & Awards:
Yan Zhao Long, 闫兆龙,男。甘肃宁县人,自幼好习字,曾苦心研习过二王,赵孟頫,米芾等书作。以行书见长,作品大气豪放,外秀内刚,运笔流畅,章法合理自然,一气呵成。现为:陕西书画艺术研究院研究员,西安市书法家协会会员,西安于右任书法学会会员。
Yan Zhao Long's Pictures:
Yan Zhao Long's Chinese Paintings in Stock: Click your favorite small photo to see prices, sizes, etc of that artwork
Customize Yan Zhao Long's Chinese Painting:
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