Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Yang He Ping Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists
Yang He Ping's Biography & Awards:
Yang He Ping, 杨和平,1955年生于河北冀州,当代知名艺术家。中国美术家协会会员,中国国画家协会会员,中国书法家协会山西分会会员,人民大学美术学院客座教授,张大千大师再传弟子。杨和平自幼喜爱绘画,对水墨丹青情有独钟,1989年毕业于河北美术学院,获美学学士学位。多年来潜心研习唐、宋、元、明、清各时期的艺术思想和绘画的传承关系,得“东方之笔”张大千大师入室弟子萧允中先生指点,专心致意研习山水、兼工花鸟,并有幸观读大风堂藏书,饱览先贤遗墨,奠定了扎实的笔墨掌控能力,灵活掌握了多种中国画传统技法,揉合古人笔意含蓄凝重、墨色融合多变等长处,对色彩的掌控能力突出,在大红大绿的色彩使用中大胆且不失典雅。
Yang He Ping, was born in Jizhou, Hebei in 1955. He is a well-known contemporary artist. He is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Shanxi Branch of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a visiting professor at the Art College of Renmin University, and a disciple of Master Zhang Daqian.
He loved painting since he was a child, and has a passion for ink painting. He graduated from Hebei Academy of Fine Arts in 1989 with a bachelor's degree in aesthetics. He has studied the inheritance of artistic thought and painting in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing periods over the years. Obtained guidance from Mr. Xiao Yunzhong, a disciple of Master Zhang Daqian who was called "The Oriental pen".
He focus on studying landscapes, flowers and birds paintings. He had a chance to read collections in Da Feng Tang, and enjoyed a glimpse of the sage's relics. He has mastered a variety of traditional Chinese painting techniques flexibly, blending the ancients with implied dignity and ink-color fusion. The colors are well used, bold and elegant in the use of red and green colors.
In addition to painting, Yang He Ping is mainly engaged in art education. In the past 20 years, he has trained a large number of young painters, art workers, and art teachers. He integrated traditional techniques with contemporary art and formed his own unique education style. In recent years, he has published educational papers such as "Traditional Ink Painting Structure and Color Matching", "Pencil, Paper and Paper Ink Techniques", and others. The dissertation was read by domestic and foreign artists, improved the control of a large number of young artists on brush, ink and color. He was hired as a visiting professor at the School of Fine Arts of Renmin University.
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