Zhang Ming Kang Watercolour Painting Artists
Zhang Ming Kang's Biography & Awards:
Zhang Ming Kang, alias Yu Han, was born in Fujian province in 1968. As a professional painter, Zhang is good at meticulous bird&flower painting, landscape painting as well as watercolor painting.
His works were were awarded a lot, and were ever published on domestic and overseas periodicals, and some of them was collected by people from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and so forth.
Titles: part of Fujian Artists Association; Distinguished artist of Xiamen Artistic Service Company.
张明康,笔名雨寒,出生于1968年,福建省福清市人,职业画家。 擅长工笔花鸟、山水、水彩画。其笔下所描绘的江南风土人情、花鸟、山水,意境清新,典雅怡人,设色明快独具特色。
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